Monday, 14 July 2008

Primal Foods For Diabetics - The Foods Mother Nature Intended For Us

What are meant by primal foods? How To Fight Type 2 Diabetes And Win, highlights the super foods that are termed primal foods.

These are the types of foods that are in there absolute natural state, nothing has been added or processed. They are the foods man was meant to eat from the beginning of time. We have existed this way, living on pure natural primal foods for tens of thousands of years. Only since man was able to fashion tools to process otherwise inedible foods such as grains, was he then able to shift his diet away from the natural food source and steer towards altered foods. These food we should have never eaten in the first place and are most likely the main culprits for so many of our diseases today.

To read more on primal foods for diabetics. Visit The Diabetic Warrior.

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